Thursday, November 12, 2020

Population Out of Control?

Population growth is a commonly debated topic in relation to environmental health. Certainly at some point, an ecosystem will no longer be able to support a growing population and further growth will be curtailed by a loss of resources. In addition, population does lead to a strain on the environment as more land, more food, and more water is consumed while generating more waste. When addressing remediation and sustainable use of resources, the question arises if the current population not only hinders progress, but also makes remedies impossible. I do not believe that we are currently there. I believe that we can address the world's most pressing environmental issues without addressing the population problem. Although population is a factor and will at some point need to be addressed, the last 100 years has shown that access to clean water and sufficient food can become easier and more widespread throughout the world, even as population continues to grow exponentially.